Bodhisukha School witnesses the most awaited event, that’s the “Inter-House Dance Competition”. The stills from the performances that our participants did are captured by the lens and is presented in such a beautiful way that it’s unmissable. We proudly present our participants and the winners of the competition.
This duo was amazing as they performed with such poise for the dance competition
This attire is definitely for an amazing performance that was about come, and in all these pictures we cannot forget our Principal Ma’am who showers her blessings to them!
All ready to set the dance floor with grace!
The group of performers along with our beloved Principal Ma’am
This little one danced so beautifully, and while they pose for the camera it’s an absolute beauty!
All these happy faces, are so nice to look that. The smile they behold is the way they behave so politely and gracefully
His performance was terrific, It was definitely worth watching!
Another participant on her way to grace the dance floor!
Another participant posing for the camera!
Here’s our beloved Principal Ma’am with the Participant. She danced so beautifully, and so well!
This photo is so beautiful to look at the participant gets all her blessings from these beautiful people.
This is the panel, who decided the outcome of the dance competition and there’s the participant posing with them!
How can we miss her, her colorful attire and her smile made the lens feel happy as this moment was captured!
The way this participant soiled his flag of discipline through his creativity, this still speaks a lot about it!
Her folk performance made the audience visit the multi-cultural gems in the form of art that we have in our country.
The blessings in the form of a moment captured by the lens is so beautiful to relive! An amazing frame which captures the participant along with our Honorable Chairman Sir and our Beloved Principal Ma’am
When the lens capture such a photo that showers plenty of blessings for a kid, how can that be missed!
The folk attire and the amazing performance by these participants surely made the stage dance with joy
The way she holds every movement of her becomes mesmerizing to imbibe!
Dance is something which is a creativity and discipline in itself, and that was showed through their performance. Their effort was unmatched!
Her attire, to her smile and her dance everything is so beautiful!
Such innocence and beauty in frame
Dance is that form of art which expresses it’s creation with every moment it creates itself!
The way a performer should behave, is being disciplined and poised and she was the epitome of it!
When grace meets poise, that’s what the outcome is!
An entirely graceful attire, and an entirely beautiful performance such sharpness and grace in the art she showcased through her performance!
She enjoyed every bit of her performance along with the audience
This little one getting the blessings of principal ma’am is captured by the lens!
Her graceful performance with her colorful attire made the competition worth watching!
A still from her amazing performance that the stage witnessed!
Her performance was unmissable, Eyes at the other side and you miss a huge chunk of her creativity, it was that good, beautiful and graceful!
Her disciplined performance showed her amazing effort to the creativity that’s called “Dance”
The audience cheering the participants on stage!
Adore the happy faces, the way they are is such a beautiful place to be!
He made a blast with his performance on the stage!
This is how the winners look like!
All the participants who performed for the Inter-House Dance Competition
Can you not look at this little girl? Her performance was so well versed and that made all the difference!
The participants innocence and their humbleness made the still look the way it’s so beautiful!
She danced so beautifully, it’s an absolute honor for the participant to pose with them!