Free eye-checkup Camp

All the guardians of newly admitted students ( admission fo r academic session 2016-2017) are hereby informed about the following arrangements:

*  26-2-2016 (Friday)     -> free eye-checkup for camp for all students
*  Time            -> 11:00am to 3:00pm
*  Their (new students) demo classes will be over on 26-02-2016 (Friday)
No need to come from 29th March 2016 (Monday) because the old students will leave their annual exam (FA-II) this time

*  They will have to come again in the new session which is going to be statrted on and from 11th April 2016 (Monday)

*  And in the new session on and from very first day (11-04-2016 Monday), All the sudents have to come in proper uniform and with all books and copies according to routine.

*  Books and all stationeries are available in school office. You can buy those in the mean time, before starting of new session.
