Regarding Tuition Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:00 pm
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Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 11:23 am |
Awareness & Motivational Workshop

Bodhisukha School has organized An Awareness & Motivational Workshop on Personality, Mentality, Ethical Development, Life Skill and Stress Management on 29th January 2019. Chief Speaker was Mr. Ashish Barua, a renown scholar on the subject. Mr. Barua highlighted the importance of mental development, through which everybody can attain every success in life. That is quite true to stand to reason that Mind is the forerunner of all conditions; Mind is chief, and all are mind-made.” Where your mind goes, all else will follow, including your body. That is why Bodhisukha School sticks on to its Moto “What we think, we become.