Bodhisukha School proudly presents the pictures from our Annual Sports Meet 2022,(the Junior Sections).An eventful day with all the amazing races where the kids participated enthusiastically and bagged medals after winning. It’s fortunate enough for Bodhisukha as a school to upheld co-curricular activities in order to build their sportsmanship spirit!

The spirit of the Annual Sports Meet 2022, is all set with this burning flame!
The balloons of each colored house participating in the event
And when they pose for the camera!
The father’s of these students secures the prestigious position of first second and third

And their smiling faces makes Bodhisukha School proud!
That’s how they run when their destination is to win the race
The tug-of-war amongst the guardians and the teachers was mesmerizing to look at!
The winners of Dress the Bride!
These trains are going towards London
All the medals arranged for the winners at todays Annual Sports Meet
Here we got the winners proudly showing of their medals
The winners from the female guardians who participated in the balance race and now are standing at the victory stand as they won medals!
The way they run towards victory
And their happy faces always remains unforgettable especially when they receive their medals after winning

The trees are well dressed in the middle of a large field, such amazing to see these little ones participating in the Annual Sports Meet 2022!

So much innocence in a frame
The glass race begins with students running to grab the glass
Our Manager Sir, giving away the medals
The little winners with our Chairman Sir, Principal Ma’am, Auntie and our teachers!
All happy faces after winning the medals!
And here comes their medals!
Here comes the little ones, the one’s who are so much dedicated in order to win!
All the houses are set in a queue to began their race
The teachers are all pumped up to win the flat race
The next lot of winners at the victory stand!
Such disciplined children, that’s what sports teaches us!
Our teachers who are the winners of the flat race
The aunties who are receiving their medals from our beloved Principal Ma’am
The guardians who balances the pot to win the race!
Our male teachers who are the winners of today’s Annual Sports Meet
Here comes the winner with auntie, and she is the sweetest!And I cannot forget the kids they are the charm of Bodhisukha School
Run, run, and win win the more you run the more closer you are to win the race
Chairman Sir giving medals to the winners, and the way they both smile the camera lens comes into life!
Here comes our non-teaching staff who won the medals
The way they run towards victory
And there are the winners with their class teacher!
Here the field is all set for the Train that will travel to London!
