Regarding Tuition Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Free Educational Excursion 2017-18

Again the day has arrived when bodhisukha school is once again proud to have some exceptional student whose work drove them to the best in their own classes and place them in first & 2nd position as this is the second year ,we stick to our commitment to providing a free tour to the student who came 1st & 2nd & so following the sincerity of the student from 5 to 8 classes our honorable director Dr. Nando Batha, again step forward to show his love for the student & present them rewards to their hard work by taking them to an educational excursion to Bodh-Gaya & Nalanda by flight on 15th december 2017 .while regarding this tour student will achieve a lot where they can get both enjoyment & education & it also proud for school also to spent time on arranging such tour for student which motivate them to do better than better.